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About Me: Why I changed my life

I've spent most of my life on quick-fix diets, cleanses and eating food I didn't like.  I learned the hard way that changing my basic eating habits was the only way to sustain weight loss in the long run.

I developed the Body RESET Program because sometimes you wish you could wipe the slate clean or hit the RESET button on the computer. We are RESETTING our bodies for the change that is about to happen. As a  Wholistic Health Practitioner, I take into account the Whole Person to achieve optimal health. Several years ago, I tipped the scale at 350lbs and needed to make a change. My system was overloaded with toxic food, drinks, people, and thoughts. My body and environment was OUT of balance. I did not like the person I saw when I looked in the mirror. How many times was I told, “You have such a pretty face, if you only lost some weight?” I needed to make a change, but could not afford a fancy very expensive nutrition program. I slowly began to decrease my portions, change what I ate, and worked out like it was my job. My body responded and in total I lost 200lbs.


Don't wait..Change TODAY!!!

How my service works

The basic premise of the Body RESET program is that when you give your body the optimal nutrition it needs, it will amaze you with the results. You decrease or remove major toxins, and replace with nutritional beneficial food and supplements. My team and I are dedicated to providing you guidance and support through this very important journey.


I'm READY. ​What Next?

CONGRATULATIONS for taking the first step toward making a long life step toward achieving your own OPTIMAL HEALTH! Get EXCITED about starting this new journey in your life. If you are dedicated to following this program, to try new  things, let go of old unhealthy habits, and are committed to being success…YOU WILL experience health benefits.

Call me at 857-212-2793 to schedule an appt or email


It WILL work..but You MUST Work the Plan!

There have been thousands of individuals who have successfully changed the way they eat to include more WHOLE FOODS, and less toxic foods. My wish is for the program to become a lifestyle change, but these next 30 days will prepare you for the rest of your life.


I'm excited to speak with you. I LOVE what I do, and I am ready to help you obtain your Optimal Health. Call me 857-212-2793 or email


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