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What are Healthy "ME" Series?

The Healthy "ME" Series  is a series of workshop designed for someone who is ready to get personal with their food and their health. We learn how the body is affected not only by the foods we choose, but also the manner in which we eat them. There was a big emphasis on the “body-mind connection”or that it is not just what you eat, but how you feel afterwards. “Does the food really nourish you?” is a key question that address through the workshops. One of the core concepts of the workshop is the idea that everyone is totally different or a “bioindividual”, so you have to listen to what your body has to say to you and really listen to how you feel to know what your needs are.

The word “Wholistic” refers to the integration of body, mind and spirit. Holistic nutrition strives to bring balance to all of these aspects of the human being. The wholistic view sees the human body as a whole unit with intricate systems that depend on one another to operate optimally and efficiently. At a fundamental level, holistic nutrition focuses on the biochemistry of the human body, and recognizes the importance of creating balance where imbalances exist.

Food is the foundation of holistic nutrition. With an emphasis on quality ingredients, the wholistic diet consists of organic, whole foods that are grown locally and enjoyed in-season. A key element of holistic eating is to incorporate foods that are nutrient-dense while avoiding foods that have been depleted of their nutrient content, such as processed foods or foods that have been degraded during growth and/or preparation.

Wholistic nutrition also recognizes that diversity among the population is as important as diversity in the diet. It takes into account a person’s heritage and biochemical individuality

to formulate the optimal diet.


Next Seminar is:


Healthy ME Workshop Series “Learn how to create the HEALTHIEST version of YOU!”


Featured Speaker: Katia Powell Founder of FITBODYSQUAD & Wholistic Health Practitioner


Date: December 4, 2014 Time: 1-3 pm

Location: Club Café 209 Columbus Ave, Boston, MA 02116 

Space is limited RSVP Today







"My overall experience has been wonderful! I am blessed to know u. It was through ur support, positivity, motivation and understanding that got me through my character building days when i wanted to jus curl up in a corner cuz i though i wasnt gonna make it. Ur positive messages and care and reaching out and pullin me from the corner was my favorite. It was all i needed. I recommend people to u all the time and currently have someone who needs help but is too down on herself to take my hand. I remind her as u taught us. Its not about jus going on some diet but changing your whole lifestyle. It is important to have not only a healthy body. But mind and spirit. Motivation and encouragement n support from others really help. None of us are perfect. Thats the best part. No judgement. Just walking this journey. TOGETHER!"~~~M. Nasatat


"I would first like to start off with a big THANK YOU for the workout last night. You're a great motivator and I really appreciate you. I'm looking forward to next week as well." R.  Adams


"First and foremost Katia HealthGuru Powell thank you for all of your support and your commitment to me and people living healthier lifestyles.  thank you to our online support group for all if your posts and encouragement. Though I may not repond to them all, I am impacted by the resilience it takes to remain healthy.  I feel amazing physically, emotionally and mentally. I have not reached my goal weight and will continue to work hard over the next year."~~J. Castro


My overall experience has been wonderful and you have been a great cheerleader! You celebrate everyone's milestones.  You just don't just sell nutrition but you have made it part of your personal life. I see our friendship/relationship as a partnership and we just click. I was ready for a personal change and you was able to offer a product to assist with my workout. I'm thankful for our six degree of separation that connected us at the right time. ~~Char







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